10 coisas que não sabíamos sobre as imagens na Wikipedia
If you're new here, these are probably ten things you may not know about images on Wikipedia . We hope this gives you a better idea of the whats and whys of illustrating the world's most popular encyclopedia. If you're more experienced with images on Wikipedia, you probably know most of these—but maybe you've never seen them written down, or you don't know where to point other people who want a quick and easy explanation of a sometimes-complicated subject. There is more to our images than you can see at first look... If you click on any image on Wikipedia, you will go to a page about the image itself. This "image page" will have information on the image's source, authorship, and copyright licensing, along with a more detailed description of the image. Unless the image is very small, you'll see a larger version of the image here. Clicking on this image will take you to the full-size original version. If you want to save images from Wikipedia, b...